The IHDP approach

How they reacted

They believe the IHDP vision and approach are credible and trustworthy

Being outward looking, having trustworthy leadership, a shared motivation, demonstrating ‘skin in the game’, and showing direct relevance, helped IHDP to build credibility at all levels.

Credibility leads to a virtuous cycle of engagement in the vision, having a platform to say what is needed, seeing benefits materialise from a collective effort, and bringing further buy-in.

This is particularly important when input is needed from stakeholders with high demands on their time, for example when it requires time of clinical staff.

They believe the IHDP approach will improve service delivery, and patient outcomes and experiences

IHDP could show that the SCIF would add real value for healthcare professionals, patients and services, and aligns with current work and priorities.

We were able to link the SCIF activities directly to both national priorities and intelligence gathered on the ground about requirements for improved cancer intelligence.

This includes in the areas of systems, workflow, data availability and gaps, clinical and patient interactions, and resource allocation (financial and people).

Key steps

Demonstrate ‘skin in the game’ to show commitment and generate credibility.

Clearly link your plans and activities to national priorities and local needs to secure engagement.

Impact Stories

The ways in which IHDP’s approach and activities contributed to improved outcomes and impact are shown through impact stories.

Cancer Innovation Challenge