Developing the Scottish Cancer Registry and Intelligence Service (SCRIS)

What they learned and gained

Delivery partners understand the vision for cancer data across Scotland.

As an independent and sector-spanning programme, IHDP was able to galvanise SCRIS delivery partners around a shared vision by:
  • Making the needs of potential SCRIS users visible.
    Because intelligence needs were clearly identified and SCRIS was built around the vision for delivering these needs, IHDP and PHS were able to stay committed to the project plan despite significant organisational changes when ISD moved to the newly formed PHS in 2020.
  • Having the positioning, time, and ‘headspace’ to be a catalyst for change in ways another type of organisation might find difficult.
    Understanding the technical needs and data gaps was not sufficient in itself to successfully develop SCRIS. IHDP had the freedom, trust and authority to act on the issues identified.
  • Bridging organisational siloes and make the connections necessary to deliver a successful project.
    Within NSS, the SCRIS programme provided an opportunity for the data and IT teams to work together very closely, designing the technical solutions in partnership to the benefit of all parties. Input from both teams, facilitated by IHDP, was critical to success..
Individual learning has local and national benefits.

Some of those who contributed to developing SCRIS were able to develop connections at a national level and share learning. Individuals and teams are now better placed to understand each other’s contexts. For example, cancer data analysts are likely to have more awareness of cancer service data requirements ‘in the field’, as the analytical services are now ‘more visible’ and clinicians can proactively seek their advice.

Key steps

Focus on how the vision can meet user needs to keep on track.

Ensure ‘headspace’ and capability to look beyond technical and data requirements, and act on issues as they arise.

Bridge siloes and make connections across teams and organisations.

Impact Stories

The ways in which IHDP’s approach and activities contributed to improved outcomes and impact are shown through impact stories.