Developing the Scottish Cancer Registry and Intelligence Service (SCRIS)

What changed

A new approach to Scottish Cancer Intelligence

A new, collaborative and responsive approach was taken to transform the breadth of PHS’s Cancer Intelligence offering through SCRIS developments.

Once SCRIS becomes “business as usual”, the SCRIS Clinical and Scientific Advisory Group (CaSAG) will succeed the Project Executive group. With wide representation from stakeholder groups, this group’s current focus is on optimising use of SCRIS data to answer research questions of interest, posed not just by the academic and clinical communities, but also by central government.

Through IHDP, SCRIS has been better able to align with other cancer data and intelligence developments across Scotland to ensure a joined up approach, shared learning, and efficiencies. For example:

  • Aligning regional cancer data with SCRIS - South of Scotland Cancer Network (SCAN):
    the recently completed SCAN Cancer Database Modernisation Programme created a new data architecture for the Edinburgh Cancer Centre’s regional service. IHDP supported transition to the new system and alignment with SCRIS.
  • Improving cancer intelligence in the North of Scotland:
    IHDP worked with NHS Grampian to improve the organisation of care for cancer patients through more effective patient tracking across North of Scotland Health Boards, aligned with SCRIS.
  • Cancer Medicines Outcomes Programme:
    the SCRIS team worked with this Scottish Government funded programme to develop SACT data intelligence and data linkage.
  • National Cancer Quality Steering Group:
    improvements to efficiency of the cancer QPI (Quality Performance Indicators) data collection system, by supporting migration to a new, future-proofed and sustainable platform, aligned with SCRIS analytics capability.

SCRIS provides a single point of entry to extended national cancer analysis, through a series of dashboards

Without the requirement for multiple log-ins to multiple systems, the SCRIS dashboards provide users with:
  • a single point of entry for a wide range of pre-populated national indicators, developed with user engagement.
  • analysis at a lower level of granularity than traditional publications (appropriate to user role).
  • a ‘shop window’ to more bespoke / detailed analysis.
  • outputs from ten datasets, organised into five categories to reflect key areas of interest to NHS Scotland’s users, aligned with national clinical and public health priorities:
    • Prevention
    • Early Detection
    • Treatment
    • Management
    • Continuous professional development

The Cancer Intelligence Platform is the engine that powers the SCRIS dashboards, providing a single source of data for analysis. The intelligence arising from the analysed data is available to approved users through the SCRIS dashboards. Ultimately the Cancer Intelligence Platform will be made available to approved users to carry out their own analyses based on their specific requirements.

  • 17 cancer indicators brought together and presented at Scotland, NHS Board and Regional Cancer Network level:
    • Bowel Screening
    • Breast Screening
    • Cervical Screening
    • Cancer Patient Experience
    • Cancer Risk
    • Cancer Survival
    • Detect Cancer Early
    • Emergency stays
    • Incidence
    • Length of stay
    • Mortality
    • Place of death
    • Post-operative mortality
    • Projected Cancer Incidence
    • Readmissions
    • Cancer Waiting Times
    • Cancer Quality Performance Indicators (QPIs)

Analysis is available at 3 levels of granularity, appropriate to user role:

  1. National Comparative
  2. Potentially disclosive
  3. Patient Identifiable

Access to the dashboards is controlled on a role-based need and signed off by the local Caldicott Guardian or appropriate delegate.

A Caldicott Guardian is a senior person responsible for protecting the confidentiality of people’s health and care information and making sure it is used properly.

SCRIS dashboards: Incidence and Mortality – ten year change

SCRIS dashboards: Incidence and Mortality – ten year change

SCRIS dashboards: Incidence and Mortality – Health Board level

SCRIS dashboards: Incidence and Mortality – Health Board level

Those delivering cancer services are more engaged with data analysis, and better able to use this information and intelligence to improve clinical care

SCRIS provides clinicians with the tools to directly use analysis to benefit patients.
  • Once the Cancer Information Platform is rolled out, clinicians will be able to access and dynamically use research and analysis to answer their own research or clinical questions, without having to request reports from data providers (subject to appropriate information governance approval).
  • A national view of cancer analyses will enable clinicians to benchmark against other areas and gain learning.
  • The visible benefits of using SCRIS dashboards will encourage further engagement, support ‘data literacy’, drive up local data quality and promote routine use of available data analyses in clinical care.

Improving the use of data through a wraparound analytical service.

As part of IHDP and NSS’ endeavours to maximise the use of the data that underpins SCRIS, the associated analytical and intelligence service within PHS has been expanded to:

  • provide an enhanced analytical service to support other SCRIS workstreams.
  • fully utilise the range of cancer information available through SCRIS.
  • maximise the benefits of turning ‘information’ into ‘intelligence’.
  • enable users across the NHS, academia, government and the third sector to access and understand the cancer information they need.

Key steps

Ensure continuous improvement through ongoing strategic direction, in line with national priorities.

Align with relevant activities and look for synergies, to ensure a joined up approach, shared learning, and efficiencies.

Make benefits visible to encourage further engagement.

Impact Stories

The ways in which IHDP’s approach and activities contributed to improved outcomes and impact are shown through impact stories.