Cancer sector information

Scottish Government Cancer Governance

A review of all cancer advisory groups that report to the Scottish Government was completed in early 2021 recommending that six new cancer governance groups be convened. The Scottish Government Cancer Policy team then engaged with representatives from across Scotland’s cancer community to gather their views on the reconfiguration of the groups. The refreshed structure is set out in the organogram below, with dark coloured boxes denoting those groups which were a focus of the review and engagement exercises. Implementation has begun and will be complete by 2023. There may therefore be further adjustment to the structure over this period.

Scottish Government Cancer Governance
Scottish Government Cancer Governance


AI - Artificial Intelligence

CaSAG - The SCRIS Clinical and Scientific Advisory Group

CARDRISS - Congenital Anomalies and Rare Diseases Registration and Information Service for Scotland

CEPAS - Chemotherapy Electronic Prescribing and Administration System

CIC - Cancer Innovation Challenge

CIP - Cancer Information Platform

CMOP - Cancer Medicines Outcomes Programme

CRUK - Cancer Research UK

DHI - Digital Health and Care Institute

DV - Data Virtualisation

HDR UK - Health Data Research UK

IG - Information Governance

IHDP - Innovative Healthcare Delivery Programme

ISD - Information Services Division

MCO - My Clinical Outcomes

MDT - Multi-disciplinary team

MoU - Memorandum of Understanding

MSN - Managed Service Network

MPM - Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

NCA - North of Scotland Cancer Alliance

NCQSG - National Cancer Quality Steering Group

NCRAS - National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (Public Health England)

NDS - NES Digital Service

NES - NHS Education for Scotland

NHSGG&C - NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

NSS - National Services Scotland

PBPP - Public Benefit and Privacy Panel

PoC - Proof of Concept

PHE - Public Health England

PHS - Public Health Scotland

PREMS - Patient Reported Experience Measures

PROMS - Patient Reported Outcomes Measures

QPI - Quality Performance Indicator

SACT - Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy

SBRI - Small Business Research Initiative

SCAN - South of Scotland Cancer Network

SCIF - Scottish Cancer Intelligence Framework

SCR - Scottish Cancer Registry

SCRIS - Scottish Cancer Registry and Intelligence Service

SFC - Scottish Funding Council

SME - Small and medium-sized enterprise

SMS - Stratified Medicine Scotland

SOCRATES - Scottish Cancer Registration System

SPIRE - Scottish Primary Care Information Resource

RTDS - Radiotherapy Dataset

SRTDS - Scottish Radiotherapy Dataset

WoSCAN - West of Scotland Cancer Network

Impact Stories

The ways in which IHDP’s approach and activities contributed to improved outcomes and impact are shown through impact stories.